Достопримечательности Москвы. Что посмотреть в Москве..
- Центр Москвы.
- Московский кремль
- Район кремля (Красная площадь,Китай-город, Манежная площадь
Театральная площадь, Лубянка)
- Север Москвы.
Ulitsa Petrovka, Bolshaya Dmitrovskaya Ulitsa, North of the Boulevard Ring,
Tverskaya Ulitsa, Around Pushkinskaya Ploshad, Patriarch's Pond, Bolshaya Nikitskaya
Ulitsa, Around Komsomolskaya Ploshchad, Sokolniki Park, All-Russia Exhibition Center,
- Запад Москвы.
Boulevar Ring, Nikitskie Vorota, Garden Ring, Ulitsa Vozdvizhenka, Arbat,
Novy Arbat, Ulitsa Volkhonka, Prechistenka Ulitsa, Borodino panorama, Triumphal Arch,
Central museum of the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 years, Church of the Intercession,
Arkhangelskoe, Novodevichy Convent
- Восток Москвы.
Around Taganskaya Ploshchad, Spaso-Andronikov Monastery,
Kuskovo, Izmaylovo Tsars estate
- Юг Москвы
Gorky Park and around Gorky Park.Park IskusstvUlitsa Bolshaya Ordynka and Pyatnitskaya Ulitsa.Donskoy
Monastery, Danilovsky Monastery, Novospassky Monastery, Krutitskoe Podvorye,
Church of St Nicholas on Rogozhskoe cemetery, Sparrow Hills (Vorobyovy
Gory). Moscow University, Kolomenskoe Museum-Reserve. Tsaritsino Museum of History, Architecture, Art and Nature.
- Станции московского метро
Moscow metro is by right considered an architectural memorial. It was opened on May 15, 1935. Best architects of Moscow built up the underground. Such stations as «Dvoretz Sovietov» (The «Palace of Soviets»), «Krasnie Vorota» («Red Gates»), «Sokolniki» and «Mayakovskaya» were awarded the Grand-prix at international exhibitions in Brussels and Paris. Facing the first stations took more marble than all the tsar palaces in pre-revolution Russia. During the Great Patriotic war the metro was used as a bomb-shelter. Today Moscow metro has over 160 stations on 11 lines. Beside commonly known lines, there is a mysterious «Metro-2» which links governmental buildings in the center of the city with a mythical underground town at the suburbs of the capital.
- High-Rises in Moscow are houses of 26-32 floors built at the end of the 40s - beginning of the 50s of the last century according to an indivisible town-planning idea and in a single architectural style. They are buildings of Moscow University, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, hotels «Leningradskaya» and «Ukraine», administrative and dwelling buildings in two central squares of Moscow. The most well-known of them is the main building of Moscow University at the Vorobyovy Gory (Sparrow Hills) which is 238 m tall and is one of the symbols of Moscow.