Беларусь |
Trade Representative of Belarus 15th District, Apartment 42, Ulaanbaatar Phone: +976-11-452 017; Fax: +976-11-358 475 |
Беларусь |
Foreign Honorary consuls in Ulaanbaatar Street address: room 407, Sukhbaatar square -3, Ulaanbaatar Tel. 314286, 318481 |
Болгария |
Embassy of Bulgaria P.O.Box 702, Olympiin Gudamj 8, Ulaanbaatar Phone: +976-11- 322 841; Fax: +976-11-329721
E-mail: |
Канада |
Honorary Consulate of Canada Enh Taivany Orgon Choloo, Peace and Friendship Place, Ulaanbaatar
Phone: +976-11- 328 285 Fax: +976-11-328 285 E-mail: canada |
Китай |
Embassy of China 5 Zaiuuchuudyn Orgon Choloo. C.P.O.Box 672, Ulaanbaatar,13 Phone: +976-11-320 955, 323940, 311985; Fax: +976-11-311 943 The consular section, to the left of the embassy's front gate, is a good place to get a visa for China. It is open from 9.30 am to noon Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Transit visas (single or double
entry) last up to seven дней from each entry; single and double tourist visas are valid for 30 дней from the date of each entry and you must enter China within 90 дней of issuing the visa. You must
pay in US dollars. |
Куба |
Embassy of Cuba Negdsen Undestnii Gudamj 5, C.P.O. Box 710, Ulaanbaatar, 13 Phone: +976-11-327 709 or 327 708 |
Чешская республика |
Embassy of Czech Republic Apartment 95, Diplomatic Services Corps Bldg, C.P.O.Box 665, Ulaanbaatar, 13 Phone: +976-11-321 886 or 326 661; Fax:
+976-11-323791 E-mail: czechemb
Франция |
Embassy of France Apartment 48, Diplomatic Services Corps Bldg, P.O. 687, Ulaanbaatar, 13 Phone: +976-11-324 519, Fax: +976-11-329 633 E-mail: ambafrance
Германия |
Embassy of Germany Negdsen Undestnii Gudamj 7, C.P.O.Box
708, Ulaanbaatar, 13 Phone: +976-11-323 325, 320908, 323915; Fax: +976-11-323 905
E-mail: germanemb_ulanbator
This embassy also looks after the interests of Spanish, Dutch, Belgian Austrian, Greek and Portuguese
Венгрия |
Embassy of Hungary Enkhtaivany gudamj 1, C.P.O.Box 668, Ulaanbaatar, 13 Phone: +976-11- 323 973, 320972, 323585; Fax: +976-11-311793
E-mail: hunamb
Индия |
Embassy of India Zaluuchuudyn Urgun Chuluu 10, 11th Micro
District C.P.O.Box 691, Ulaanbaatar, 13 Phone: +976-11-329 522, 329524, 329528; Fax: +976-11-329532
E-mail: indembmongolia
Япония |
Embassy of Japan Olympiin Gudamj 6, C.P.O.Box 1011,
13 Phone: +976-11-320 777; Fax: +976-11-313 332
E-mail: eojmongol
Website: //
Казахстан |
Embassy of Kazakhstan Apartment 11, Diplomatic Services Corps
Bldg, P.O.Box 291, Ulaanbaatar, 38 Phone: +976-11-312 240, 312204; Fax:
E-mail: kzemby
Лаос |
Embassy of Laos Ikh Toiruu 59, C. P.O.Box
1030, Ulaanbaatar, 13 Phone: +976-11-326440, 329898
Fax: +976-11-321048
Малазия |
Foreign Honorary consuls in Ulaanbaatar
Street address: Ulaanbaatar, Zuunselbiin horoolol, 39-iin A
Tel. 322982 Fax. 452402 |
Польша |
Diplomatic Building 95 art. 66, 67
13 Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Fax: 320576 Tel: 320641 |
Россия |
Embassy of Russia Enkh Taivany Orgon
Choloo, A-6,
C.P.O.Box 661, Ulaanbaatar, 13
Embassy Phone: +976-11-327506, 326836, 327071, Fax: +976-11-327
E-mail: embassy_ru
Консульский отдел:
Phone: +976-11-326 037, Fax: +976-11- 324 425
E-mail: consul_ru ,
The consular section is open for visas daily from 2 to 3 p.m. Visa pick up time is from
12.10 p.m. to 12.50 p.m.
Генконсульство России в Эрдэнэте
Адрес: Монголия, Орхонский аймак, г. Эрдэнэт.
Телефон: (976) 7035-3009 - дежурный; 7035-2653
Факс: 7035-5955
Сайт: |
Генконсульство России в Дархане
Адрес: Монголия, Дархан-Ульский аймак, г. Дархан, ул. Молодежная – 13.
Телефон: (01372)23996
Факс: (01372)23406
Сайт: |
Народная республика Корея |
Embassy of Democratic People's Republic of Korea Negdsen Undestnii Gudamj
12, C.P.O.Box 671, Ulaanbaatar, 13 Phone: +976-11-322 795, 323 458
Словакия |
Foreign Honorary consuls in Ulaanbaatar
Street address: Ulaanbaatar, Montel companiin bair, 3 davkhar
Tel. 322551 Fax. 322551
Южная Корея |
Embassy of South Korea C.P.O.Box 1039, Olympiin Gudamj
10, Ulaanbaatar, 13 Phone: +976-11-321 548, 310153,
Fax: +976-11-311 157
Швейцария |
Foreign Honorary consuls in Ulaanbaatar Postal address: Box 542, Ulaanbaatar Tel. 452465 Fax. 452468 |
Таиланд |
Foreign Honorary consuls in Ulaanbaatar Street address: Ulaanbaatar-46, 1-r 40 myangat, A 4 bair, 17 toot Tel. 311333 Fax. 320138 |
Турция |
Embassy of Turkey Enkhtaivany gudamj 5, C.P.O.Box 1009, Ulaanbaatar, 13 Phone: +976-11-311 200; Fax: +976-11-313992 E-mail:
turkemb |
Великобритания |
Embassy of United Kingdom Enkhtaivany gudamj 30, C. P.O.Box
703, Ulaanbaatar, 13 Phone: +976-11- 458 133, 458238, Fax: +976-11-358 036 E-mail:
Украина |
< td>Foreign Honorary consuls in Ulaanbaatar
Tel/fax. 343503
Embassy of USA Ikh Toiruu 59/1, C. P.O.Box 1021, Ulaanbaatar, 13 Phone: +976-11-329 095, 329606, 312390 312376,
Fax: +976-11-320 776 E-mail: econ
E-mail: cons (consulate section) Http: www. us-mongolia . com. |
Вьетнам |
Embassy of Vietnam Enkhtaivany Orgon Chuluu 47, P.O.Box
670, Ulaanbaatar,13
Phone: +976-11-358 917; Fax: +976-11-458923
E-mail: vienaemba
Югославия |
Embassy of Yugoslavia Apartment 95, Diplomatic Services Corps
Bldg, C. P. O. Box 700, Ulaanbaatar, 13 Phone: +976-11- 322 380;
+976-11-325 597