Национальная галерея современного искусства. Улан-Батор.
Национальная галерея современного искусства
Национальная галерея современного искусства Современная живопись и традиционные монгольские акварели.
Mongolian National Modern Art Gallery (MNMAG) was separated from the Fine Arts
Museum of Mongolia in 1989, and it launched its independent operation to make the public familiar with Mongolian modern fine/visual art works.
The Mongolian National Modern Art Gallery is a government art service providing agency with the function to give esthetic and art education to the population by exposing visual art, systematically collecting and exhibiting
Mongolian modern and contemporary art; conducting studies and research, promoting and preserving them; enriching its collections; documenting the social, historic and cultural evolution and progress.
The MNMAG regularly collects Mongolian modern and contemporary paintings, sculptures, prints, crafts and other new forms of art or artifacts, that have superior identity and originality.
It focuses on modern and contemporary works from the beginning of the 20th century to the present. As of 2004, the permanent collection contains approximately 4200 pieces, and 7-8% - are currently on display.
Since its establishment, the Mongolian National Modern Art Gallery has
consolidated its position as one of the leading art institutions in Mongolia,
initiating and presenting significant national and international exhibitions.
Each year the Gallery is actively involved in organizing thematic or specialized
exhibitions of original works of national and foreign individual painters;
participates in exhibitions abroad displaying there art pieces from own
collection or works of Mongolian artists; in organizing national and independent
artists’ associations’ annual and seasonal shows. In addition to that the
Gallery purchases the best art works of individuals to enrich its collection.
The Gallery has established a database on Mongolian artists, painters, which is updated regularly. Since its establishment the Gallery has been enriching annually its collections using the funds budgeted by the government.
Thus, its visitors familiarize with, understand and get closer to Mongolian art and culture. The MNMAG also publishes periodic news and widely distributes via mass media and its website the information on Mongolian art.
It publishes booklets, newspapers, newsletters, magazines and other promotional materials containing ideas, views and critics by artists and art critiques, as well as research and studies, easily could be used by
students in their study.
The Modern Mongolian art works, sculptures, kept in the Gallery represents a unique combination of Oriental and Western techniques, thereby attracting the
attention of national and international experts and viewers.